Galatians Paul calls his gospel “The
Gospel of Christ,” thus those who believe “The Gospel of Christ” were called “Christ-ians.” Paul made it very clear that his gospel was not like any other gospel.
In Galatians 1:11-12 we read:
The gospel which was preached by me is not according
to a man,
because I neither received it from a man, nor
was I taught it (by a man),
but (I received it) through a vision (revelation)
of Jesus (the) Christ.
unlike the Saul in Acts, does not describe that experience – so do not project Saul’s words into this
story. Paul opened Galatians (1:1) with a claim that sets him apart from
the other apostles -- his “apostleship” is
completely different.
Paul, not an apostle through men nor through
a man,
but through Jesus Christ and
God the Father who raised Jesus Christ from the dead.
other apostles received their apostleships
prior to the resurrection. None of them were given “The Gospel of Christ.” According to Paul, he was preaching a gospel that no one before him had ever heard.
Below is a description of Paul’s Gospels from Romans 3:21-22.
But now, without the Torah
(Law), the righteousness of God is revealed,
being witnessed by the Torah
(Law) and the Prophets,
even the righteousness
of God, through faith in (the resurrected) Jesus Christ,
to all and on all who
to Paul, one becomes “righteous”
by “believing his gospel” and “having faith in the resurrected Jesus
Christ.” As I pointed out above, according to Paul, God did not reveal this
gospel to Yeshua, the Jesus of history
or the twelve apostles he personally called.
So what did they preach?
begin with the apostle Peter,
who according to other New Testament accounts,
saw and was taught by the resurrected Jesus
(Luke 24:45 below):
And Jesus opened their
that they might comprehend
the Scriptures.
is an account from Acts 10:34-35:
And Peter opened his mouth and said,
“Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of
but in every nation he that fears him and
works righteousness is
acceptable to him.”
the Gospel of John, one of the last New Testament books written, we find
these words (5:29-30):
Do not be surprised at this, for the time is coming
when all that are in the graves shall hear his voice,
and they that have done good things
shall come forth unto the resurrection of life;
but they that have done evil (things),
unto the resurrection of judgment.
let’s see what Yeshua, the Jesus of history, taught. In Matthew 25:46b we read:
“. . . the righteous shall go away into
eternal life.”
are “the righteous”? They are the
ones who “did acts of righteousness”
– in Hebrew the word translated “righteous”
is “tzedaqah.” Jesus answered the question
above in Matthew 25:34-36. The “righteous”
are the ones that “did the acts of
tzedaqah” below:
They gave food to the hungry, drink to the thirsty,
took in a stranger,
clothed the naked, visited the sick and went
to those in prison.
is what Peter meant by “works
righteousness” and John called “doing
good things.” The difference between “The
Gospel of Jesus” and “The Gospel of
Paul” comes down to this:
According to Jesus, people that “do good works”
are “the righteous.”
According to Paul, people that “believe what he said”
are “the righteous.”
hope you found this informative and thank you for reading it. Please share and discuss
it with others.
Jim Myers