Friday, July 29, 2022

The Foundation of the Original Jesus Movement


The “Presence of God” is with every person. Two people and God are involved in each act of TZEDAQAH – the giver, the receiver, and God. The foundation of the original Jesus Movement is this: Anything that involves one or more people, involves the presence of God. Continue reading at –

Thursday, July 28, 2022

The Kingdom Prepared from the Foundation of the World

The first ten chapters of Genesis contain direct links to Babylonian scrolls, which were written in languages that were lost and not rediscovered until the 19th century CE. Today, we are able to understand the link between those texts and “the kingdom prepared from the foundation of the world.” Continue reading at -


Wednesday, July 27, 2022

The Meanings of Blessed of My Father


When Jesus said, “Come you blessed of my Father,” he was referring the Creator’s blessing of the humans in Genesis 1. It reveals the Creator’s vision of how humans are to live on earth. Sadly, very few people understand who and what they have within them. This wisdom has the power to change lives today – as well as revealing the meaning of the parable of Jesus. Continue reading at -

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

God’s Pay Day for All Nations of the Earth

 Teachings about the Day of Vengeance are found in many places in the Jewish Scriptures. The English word “vengeance” is linked to the word “revenge,” and that word does NOT reflect the meaning of the Hebrew word in the verse in Isaiah. A better translation would be, “God will compensate people for what they have done in their lives” on that day. Read more at –

Monday, July 25, 2022

God’s Second Garden


Those who took advantage of God’s favor in the Year of Acceptance changed their status from wicked to TZEDEQ. They are called the “Trees of TZEDEQ” -- “the planting of God.” The first “planting of God” was the Garden in Eden. When Adam was driven out of it, he was completely separated from the Tree of Life! Continue reading at -


Friday, July 22, 2022

The Anointing of Jesus


When Jesus said, “today the words in Isaiah’s prophesy have been fulfilled,” that meant “he is the Anointed One, the Year of Acceptance and the countdown to the Day of Vengeance have begun. From that day on, each day will bring everyone closer to the day mankind will be judged by God! Continue reading at -

Thursday, July 21, 2022

What Does Jesus Christ Son of God Mean?

 My goal today is to anchor “Jesus Christ Son of God” to the time and places where he lived and taught, his language and culture, and the contexts of the ancient manuscripts of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Continue reading at -


Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Create Transparency Instead of Belief Conflicts


Catholicism and Protestantism existed in a very different world until the 18th century, when science and the Enlightenment began challenging their Creeds and Statements of Faith. Some even denied that the Scriptures were a source of truth and produced a rationalist theology. In 1895 the Five Fundamental Beliefs for being a true Christian was published. Continue reading at -

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Which Jesus Model Are You Using?


Matthew, Mark and Luke are called the Synoptic Gospels because they include many of the same stories, often in a similar sequence and in similar or sometimes identical wording. Their linguistic models of Jesus are similar, but not identical. John’s content and linguistic model of Jesus, stand in stark contrast to those of the Synoptic Gospels. Continue reading at -

Monday, July 18, 2022

Same words. Different punctuation marks. Very different stories.

Exploring Biblical Heritages increases the awareness of how brains process information. At the subconscious level, brains use high speed neural circuits to make its “best guesses” -- which are right about 60 to 80% of the time. Explorers develop skills to move beyond “best guesses” to more accurate information. Continue reading at -


Friday, July 15, 2022

What Does the Creator Value the Most?


The Creator in the first story in Genesis uses a standard to judge the results of His actions. That standard is central focus of the story – and the whole Bible. It reveals what God values the most. Continue reading at –

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Which Model for Love Does Your Brain Use?


How studying the biological functions of the brain became part of Exploring Biblical Heritages and why every Bible reader and believer should understand it. Everyone in America has a right to believe whatever they choose, but the public should clearly understand that beliefs generate corresponding behaviors. Continue reading at -

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

How Does One Love God?


The answer to that question depends on the context and which meaning of “love” we use.  The English word “love” is defined in most dictionaries as -- “an intense feeling of deep affection.” In other words, “love is what one feels.” Is that how we love God? -

Thursday, July 7, 2022

The Biology of Beliefs and the Creation of Individual Realities


Individual realities emerge from the brain’s billions of zapping neurons with their trillions of synaptic connections. It is from this inner universe of synaptic constellations that everything we think and feel and do emerges. The human capacity for belief, the specifics of belief, and complex belief structures -- shape our daily lives, our societies, and the world around us. Continue reading at -

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Exploring Biblical Heritages Requires an Awareness of the Biology of Beliefs: Part 1


Exploring Biblical Heritages requires learning what “human” means from science. No generation before us, in the history of mankind, has understood this information. It transforms the way we understand human behaviors. It is amazing to me that there are similarities between 21st century scientific discoveries and wisdom principles embedded in the first ten chapters of Genesis. Continue reading at -