Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Which Commandment is the Greatest Commandment?


Jesus had just finished discussions with the Pharisees and Sadducees about issues that were important to them when a scribe asked him this question -- “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Torah?” Jesus used the question to teach his “radical interpretation of the commandment of mutual love.” Continue reading at -


Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Another Option for Going to Heaven


The belief model people have for “going to heaven” affects much more than “their life after death or after judgment day.” It affects how they live until they die, or judgment day comes. It affects the types of relationships they have with others and the roles they play as members of families, communities, workplaces, and nations. What beliefs do you have about the afterlife? Continue reading at – http://mailchi.mp/3186188d3401/another-option-for-going-to-heaven

Monday, October 10, 2022

Conclusion of the Parable of Eliezer and the Unnamed Rich Man

The rich man’s request reveals something very important about his actual father – he raised all of his sons to be just like him. He is aware of that and has no doubt that when his brothers die, they will join him in SHEOL. Why did he want Abraham to send Eliezer? Surely they would have recognized the guy the dogs were licking by the gate. Continue reading at - http://mailchi.mp/1a7d9073cfe1/conclusion-of-the-parable-of-eliezer-and-the-unnamed-rich-man 

Friday, October 7, 2022

The Parable of Eliezer and the Unnamed Rich Man: Part 2


When Eliezer, the poor man, died angels came and carried him to Abraham’s bosom. When the rich man died, his body was carried to a grave and buried it, but that wasn’t the end of story. He raised his eyes and saw the poor man and another man who died over 1,800 years earlier, Abraham! Continue reading at - http://mailchi.mp/f7660368da5b/the-parable-of-eliezer-and-the-unnamed-rich-man-part-2