Saturday, December 28, 2024

Who Can Bring Peace into the World?


This year’s holiday season reminded me of a story in Bruce Feiler’s book, Abraham: A Journey to the Heart of Three Faiths (p. 13). It reveals an wisdom ancient truth found in the Genesis and the teachings of the Jewish Jesus. It is a truth that has been given to all people, not just Jews. Continue reading at -

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Rethinking and Unlearning Harmful Belief Models


Back in the old days, when people reflected on what it takes to be mentally fit, the first idea that came to mind was usually intelligence. The smarter you are, the more complex the problems you can solve — and the faster you can solve them. Intelligence was traditionally viewed as the ability to think and learn. Yet in today’s turbulent world, there’s another set of cognitive skills that might matter more: the ability to rethink and unlearn. Continue reading at -

Friday, December 6, 2024

The Power of Wealthy Shalom Makers!


The reporter caught the Congressman off-guard when she asked, “What would you do about that situation?” The question clearly surprised him. He fumbled with his words for a few seconds and then said, “I would kick out all of the CEOs on the top floor and replace them with janitors working in the basement, Janitors, janitors, janitors - running all of the companies!” My first thought was grabbing the TV monitor, shaking it, and yelling, “Are you completely crazy! Continue reading at -

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Why Acts of Tzedaqah are Very Important for the Rich and Wealthy!


This is one of the most powerful and important teachings of the Jewish Jesus. Very few Christians understand what it means. It is found in Luke 16:19-31. I am going to present this in a parallel // format to make it easier to understand. 1. And some person was wealthy // And some poor person, named Lazarus. Usually, the rich people are named and remembered. Here the poor person is named, and many people have remembered the name “Lazarus” over the past 2,000 years. Continue reading at -

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

A National Purpose that Includes the Poor and the Rich!


It is important to refer to the Jewish Jesus, instead of calling him “Yeshua” in conversations with people who have never heard that name before. “Jewish Jesus” reminds people that his culture was Jewish. He was not a Christian or Gentile. The Jewish culture of Jesus was also the culture of Hillel and the other rabbis of that time period. Jesus was part of that world. Continue reading at -

Shared Wisdom, Standards, Values, and Facts


Defining a national purpose is not only possible - it exists now. The Declaration of Independence + The Bible + Science! We have the power to become Lives 1st Families, Lives 1st Citizens, Lives 1st Believers, Lives 1st Atheists, and Lives 1st Scientists. Continue reading at -

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Love of Mankind is Intimately Bound Up with the Love of God


HillelJesus, and Akiba taught that love of man is a central pillar of the Torah’s teaching. However, Hillel added that behind it is something even more basic that is derived from an even greater principle: “Man is made in the image of God.” Love of man flows from the more fundamental love of God. Continue reading at -

Monday, November 18, 2024

Always Choose Life!


The “BHC Laws of Language” revealed ancient scribal skills. Combining them produced the process that Dr. Ike Tennison, Rabbi Jeffrey Leynor, and I called, “Letting the biblical text tell its own stories. Discover how the second story in Genesis reveals the meaning of “Light” in the first story. It teaches the most important wisdom in the Bible. Click here to continue reading -

Sunday, November 17, 2024

How to Avoid False Expectations!


After Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, Yahweh Elohim created justice. He had given them a commandment. They violated it. Yahweh Elohim was the judge. Adam, Eve, and the serpent were examined. When Eve was asked why she ate the forbidden fruit she said, “The serpent gave me false expectations.” Continue reading at -

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Creating Loving Kindness, Loyalty, and Mercy on Earth!


I promised to give you a powerful example of the Hebrew teachings of Jesus and the Hebrew texts he interpreted. Keep in mind that this is a wisdom text, not a religious text. It is not about the afterlife. It contains instructions for living the best lives possible on earth. Continue reading at -

Friday, November 8, 2024

Ancient Wisdom Values for Living Today


What is the relation of the individual to society? A denomination is a religious society. It has a Statement of Faith or Creed, which reflects the identifying beliefs of the members. Those beliefs are backed by institutional authority which elevates many of them to the status of institutional truths -- many of which are set in stone and unchangeable. What happens when a member challenges an institutional truth? Continue reading at –

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Discovering and Presenting the Best Available Evidence


200 Christian denomination institutions in America and 45,000 Christian institutions globally exists today. It is very clear that Christianity is not one giant religion. It is an umbrella term that identifies independent religions which have a variety of “institutional truths.” But Luther was not the primary driver of what ultimately happened. 460 miles from Luther, Nicolaus Copernicus was living in Frombork, Poland. He was making astronomical observations. Continue reading at -

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Truths, Beliefs, Facts, and Biology


Christianity is “an umbrella term” that is used by many independent groups. Christianity is a monotheistic religion – one God is the source of truth. Are the truths of all Christian denominations and churches the same truths? Rabbinic Judaism and Islam are also monotheistic religions. Where do beliefs and facts fit in religions? Continue reading at -

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The Correct Story of Two Humans vs One Serpent!


We all know what happened in Genesis 3:1-6. The serpent spoke twice, the woman spoke twice, and the man did not say or do anything! Then she thought about the forbidden fruit, took a fruit from the tree, took a bite, handed it to the man, and he ate it! But most Bible readers do not know what happened at the end of the story. Continue reading at -

Monday, October 14, 2024

What is Yahweh Elohim Trying to Communicate to Us?


In the First Story in Genesis Elohim created the ADAM in His image and then He immediately made the ADAM a male and a female. In the Second Story Yahweh Elohim formed the ADAM, and 16 later, He made a female and a male. For 16 verses an “undivided ADAM” existed. See what happened during those 16 verses. Continue reading at -

Friday, October 11, 2024

Yahweh Elohim and the Undivided ADAM


In previous emails I discussed the two dominant power structures in the ancient world. You probably don’t realize it, but these models were hot discussions in corporate board rooms in the late 1990s. Some radical entrepreneurs had been experimenting with them and one was generating unbelievable profits far beyond the other model. Before I will be able to discuss the power structure of Yahweh Elohim, you must understand important differences between Elohim and Yahweh Elohim – the First ADAM and the Second ADAM. Continue reading at -

Bringing Elohim Our Shalom!


Kings of the Assyrians, Egyptians, and Babylonians took what wanted from their enemies and then destroyed them and burned things to the ground. Persian kings had the people they conquered bring tributes to them. Elohim is the king of His kingdom. What does he want members of it to bring Him? Continue reading at -

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Seeing the Alliance of Elohim and the Covenant of Noah Today


The day began with messages saying Iran will attack Israel today. One message said, “Three additional aircraft squadrons - F-15E, F-16, and A-10 - are arriving in the region with one squadron having already arrived.” Speculation about the intensity of the attack was circulating. Then I received this message – “Hundreds of missiles are in the air heading towards Israel. I turned on news channels and my wife started checking on friends in Israel. Continue reading at -


Monday, September 30, 2024

Seeing What Is Beautiful and Pleasing to the Creator!


The scribes of Jerusalem were taken as captives to Babylon, but they became part of the most complex networks of temples, gods, and scribes, as well as part of one of the most powerful empires in the history of humankind. The scribes from Jerusalem brought their divine mysterious scribal arts with them and sent the Wisdom of their Elohim back to the new Temple in Jerusalem. Continue reading at -

Friday, September 27, 2024

Common Ground that My Ancestors and Grandkids Share!


Exploring the Bible and Biblical Heritages emerged from my second career, which began when I was ordained as a minister. My first career was banking and finance. As you probably have noticed, the world seems to have suddenly gone crazy and is becoming a more dangerous place. I worry a lot about my grandkids. I want them to understand the dangers of financial panics, changes in currencies, splits in churches, political issues related to Israel – and living without strong relationships between family members. I think I have finally found a way. Continue reading at –

Friday, September 13, 2024

The Righteous of the Nations!


The silence and complicity of the Christian hierarchy, both Catholic and Protestant, during the Holocaust, and the complicity of millions of Christian bystanders and perpetrators, is a vexing issue. I probably have over 25 books about the Holocaust in my library in which Christians are often categorized as Perpetrators or Bystanders. But David A. Rausch’s book, A Legacy of Hatred: Why Christians Must Not Forget the Holocaust, describes another group that must also be remembered. Continue reading at -

Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Political Importance of Understanding the Original Yeshua Movement


The members of the Yeshua Kingdom of Elohim movement understood the Alliance they have with Elohim the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. They had been taught by Yeshua how to be Elohim’s Co-Representatives and Shepherds to their fellow human beings. As long as the society we live in is running smoothly and people have their basic needs met, “believing” seems to be popular. But, today, we are facing cascading waves of intense and unexpected political, economic, and religious conflicts. Continue reading at -

Friday, August 30, 2024

Day Six: Large, Small, and Wild Animals with Souls


The sixth day corresponds with the third day. On the third day the Dry Land brought forth vegetation and fruit trees. On the sixth day the Dry Land brought forth living souls for creatures with appetites, longings, and desires linked to those things. Continue reading at -

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Day Five: The Creation of Water and Flying Creatures with a Soul


In the ancient world the cosmic seas were populated with large water creatures. There are many stories about them in other ancient cultures. Whether antithesis or enemy, they were viewed as threats to order, because they operated against the ordered system. They were aggressive participants in cosmic wars. But in this story things are very different. Continue to read at -

Day Four: The Emergence of a New Power Model


In the power structures that had dominated Near Middle Eastern societies for thousands of years, the lights in the skies were viewed as the gods and goddesses. They controlled every aspect of human lives and the world around them. Humans only existed to serve gods! But suddenly Elohim changed all of that! Continue reading at -

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Day Three: Holy Space, Water, and Food


There is a huge “shoreless body of water” called the Deep. We know It has a “top” because of references to the surface. We don’t know how much space there is on each side. The solid plate is located beneath the surface, and there are waters beneath it, which “have been separated from the Deep waters.” In the ancient Hebrew culture, “setting something apart for a divine purpose,” means it is “holy.” Continue at -

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The First Day of The Creation


In the beginning Elohim created the Skies and the Dry Land” is the title of this story. The title also reveals the main character and tells us what to expect. God” is an “umbrella term” that is used to refer to a wide variety of divine entities. It is essential for Bible readers to use the transliterations of the words that appears in the ancient Hebrew or Greek manuscripts, instead of “God.” Just doing this one thing will increase your accuracy of understanding of the ancient messages exponentially! Continue reading at -


Saturday, August 3, 2024

Should People Do Good Works?


This is like hearing “fingernails scratching on a blackboard” to me (older people will understand this) – “good works do not save people.” Do bad works save people? Do no works save people? Did Elohim stop caring how people treat each other? The answer is found in the Torah, the teachings of Yeshua (the Jesus of history in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and the Book of Acts), and the Declaration of Independence. Continue reading at -

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

When Elohim Replaced the Gods of the Nations!


“And God made two great lights; the great light to rule the Day and the lesser light to rule the Night; and the stars.” The words from Genesis meant “the sun, moon, and stars” to me. When the members of many ancient societies looked up at the skies, they saw gods and goddesses. I can’t imagine what life in that reality would be like. What do you think their reaction would be to a sky without gods and goddesses? Continue reading at –

Friday, July 26, 2024

The Story of Elohim: Part 2


I want to remind readers with Christian Biblical Heritages that the translation you are reading is much closer to what Jesus read, interpreted, and taught his disciples. This will help you understand his message and movement much better. This email contains the story of Day 2 and Day of the Creation Story in Genesis 1. Continue reading at -

The Story of Elohim: Part 1


I will share the entire Biblical Heritage Center translation of the First Story Genesis in my next few emails. We believe it reveals ancient wisdom that was lost for a very long time – “Elohim’s path of Shalom.” Billions of people around the world are linked together through the Bible and are familiar with this story. However, for many centuries it has unknowingly been taught in ways that have not produced Shalom. “In the beginning Elohim created the Skies and Dry Land.” Continue reading at -

Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Creator Presents His Wisdom to Humankind!


In my previous email I explained how archaeology and scholars paved the way for the “Alliance of Elohim and all humans” to be discovered in the first story in Genesis. But, long before we knew those things, we knew something very important was embedded in that story, because we learned it from Jesus! Continue reading at –

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

A Temple and Kingdom Large Enough for All People


The Israelites were steeped in an oral culture and their world was one without books. To the ancient public at large, the body of knowledge contained in the Torah scroll was accessible only through the oral instruction presented by scribes. The text of the Hebrew Bible was not part of the popular culture. Scribes wrote for scribes and only for scribes. The thought of an untrained person reading those words silently and alone would have seemed like blasphemy to the ancient scribes. Continue reading at -

Monday, July 22, 2024

Another Option for Solving Americas Problems Today!


Today, I want to tell you more about the groups in the events related to the Torah Scroll, the three Gospels of Yeshua (Jesus), and the Declaration of Independence of the United States. Then I want to apply that information to what we are facing in America now. The groups in the events above all shared a common challenge – surviving traumatic events, losing their institutions, and creating new institutions for their God and their government. Continue reading at -

Monday, July 15, 2024

The Day the Ancient Alliance in Genesis Left Me Speechless


In 450 BCE, the Torah scroll arrived at the Temple in Jerusalem. It contains a collection of stories and lists of instructions that combine to reveal wisdom principles from the God of this Temple. Applying these principles of wisdom will lead to what this God desires the most -- “order.” Later, “Torah” was translated “Law,” an English word linked to “legislation” – “rules that are to be obeyed.” Wise living cannot be legislated. Wise living is a matter of learning what to do with the wisdom principles of this God. Continue reading at -

Thursday, July 11, 2024

The Hidden Wisdom of the Torah, and Much More!


The discovery of Babylonian, Egyptian, and Persian writings reveal why similar words and stories appear in the Torah scroll. The Torah is written in a way that made it easy for the Israelites to compare their legal collections and wisdom to the tablets of other people. And when they were compared, it was easy to distinguish the Israelite way of thinking from the nations around them – and the differences between Yahweh and their gods! Continue reading at -

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The Missing Piece of the Torah Puzzle


Our Linguistic Model revealed numerous links in the Torah to the writings of the ancient Babylonians, Egyptians, and Persians. The Torah contains the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Why are links to these writings in the Torah? Continue reading at -

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Rediscovering the Lost Wisdom of Jesus


Over the past months I have written about the original Jesus being a master teacher and interpreter of the Torah and the Prophets (sections of the Hebrew scriptures). Only people who have studied the ancient scribes will be able to fully grasp the meaning of the previous sentence. In Matthew 25, Jesus revealed the Kingdom of Elohim (Genesis 1). Soon after the destruction of the Temple in 70 CE, the information needed to understand the words of Matthew 25 was lost. It wasn’t discovered again until very recently. Continue reading at -

Friday, June 28, 2024

Experiencing Life Through the Words of Genesis!


The first story in Genesis revealed that humans are created in the image of an entity that is unlike them, and compared with all else, is incomprehensible. (You should read that sentence again a few times.) And Elohim made humans His representatives over all life on Earth. Continue reading at -

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Great Paradox: The Key to Discovering the Bible’s Ancient Wisdom


This article is about the paradox in the title. A paradox is “a logically self-contradictory statement or a statement that runs contrary to one's expectation.” “And Elohim created the ADAM in His own image; in the image of ELOHIM He created him; male and female He created them.” The contradictory terms are Elohim and ADAM. Continue reading at -

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Family and the Alliance of Elohim


A family structure begins when the male and female choose to remain connected to each other in order to raise their offspring. The urge to have a family is also an instinct -- a very distinct drive that has little to do with sex. The element of permanence, which remains even when the partners are no longer occupied with sex or with raising offspring, is one mark of the family. Families are the building blocks of our society. Continue reading at -

Monday, June 17, 2024

What Are Humans?


My first question was: “What is the constantly shape-shifting environment?” The answer I found was: “It is our entire society, not a few remote areas.” My next question was: “Is this problem caused by nature?” The answer is “No, it is caused by humans.” My third question was: “What are humans?” The “facts I discovered about humans” are revealed below. Continue reading at -

Sunday, June 16, 2024

The Order of the Creation Organic Families and Our Sacred Inheritances


The ancient scribes placed this word first for a specific reason. It signals that this is “the head of the story.” They highlighted the importance of understanding the “order of things” in this story. In today’s confused and polarized political environment, I will call “the Family” in this story an “Organic Family.” “Organic” means this is a family with two humans who have the reproductive functions to create a new human life. “The problem is that “we are HUMANS!!! An entire nation of humans cooperating? What are the odds?” Continue reading at –

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Discovering the Secrets of the Ancient Scribes


The Torah (first five books of Christian Old Testament) is a very unique document. It was assembled, copied, and read to the public by a group of scribes who were some of the greatest scholars in the history of writing. Most of those involved in the making of the Torah left neither a name nor biography.  We do not know them individually. We can identify their scribal milieu as that of the scribal elite, and it is that milieu that holds the key to the origins of the Torah. Ike, Jeffrey, and I wrestled with the challenge of dealing with a Source (author) that was a group, not an individual. Our research made it clear that “scribes wrote for scribes and only scribes.” Continue reading at -

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Knowing How Words Work Reveals Lost Meanings of Key Words


People have been disagreeing about things that are found in their Bible for many centuries. So, I will begin with something every person I have ever taught agrees on: Every Bible is a book filled with words. Before we can accurately discuss anything that we disagree about, we must know how words work. I will teach you how to use BHC Linguistic Models to help you work with the words in our Bibles. Continue reading at -

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Wrestling With Life to Perfect Ourselves!

The Alliance with the Creator in Genesis revealed that humans are meant to join the Creator as partners in creation, doing our part on earth to confer dignity and caring on others and alleviate human suffering. This is a “core Jewish value today.” It is one of the reasons that the Creator created humans. This was not a religious belief, because Jesus did not teach “religious beliefs.” The original Jesus taught that what you do is more important than what you believe. Continue at -


Thursday, May 30, 2024

Great Day of Judgment or Death: Be Prepared!


In the world in which Jesus lived and taught, everyone had a vocabulary of words linked to kings and kingdoms. Therefore, when Jesus said, “The Kingdom of Elohim is here;” members of his Jewish audiences understood what that meant. There were no democracies. Kings issued decrees and expected people to obey them. Continue reading at -

Monday, May 27, 2024

The Only Requirement for Membership In the Original Jesus Movement


The answer Jesus gave was very clear: “Unless your tzedaqah exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the Kingdom of Elohim.” Those who enter “The Kingdom of Elohim” will be the ones that “enter eternal life.” Chances are very good that you have never heard or been taught this before. This is the only answer that Yeshua, the original Jesus taught his students. He repeated this many times in his teachings. Continue reading at -

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Exploring Three Views Abraham


A well-known fact is Jews and Christians have sacred scriptures that contain the same books – Tanakh and Old Testament. However, a point that doesn’t usually get discussed is that they interpret characters in their shared books through words of other books. In addition to this, interactions between Jews and Christians also affect the ways they both view Abraham. Continue reading at -

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Exploring the Oldest Abraham Stories and Their Evolving Interpretations


The week before the Hamas attack on October 7, 2023, thousands of Christians and groups of other Jews had travelled to Jerusalem all expecting an apocalyptic event. Hamas had been planning for years to make their apocalyptic event a reality. They are the world’s three monotheistic religions – Jews, Christians, and Muslims. They have something very important in common – they have all reinterpreted the Story of Abraham. For all its chaotics, the history of Abraham as a cultural figure over the last four thousand years because Christians, Jews, and Muslims have been retelling their unique interpretations. Continue reading -