Sunday, December 31, 2023

Guess Who Was in Abraham’s Bosom?


The man in Hades called out to Abraham and asked him to send Lazarus to Hades to comfort him. Abraham refused. The man in Hades asked Abraham to send Lazarus to the home of his five brothers and tell them about what happened to him. Again, Abraham refused. But there was another very rich man in Abraham’s Bosom – and sin affected generations of Israelites. Continue reading at -

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Why Wasn’t Lazarus Worth a Few Crumbs Falling on the Floor?


This is part two of “The Parable About Lazarus and the Rich Man.” The rich man died and is in Hades. He is having a discussion with Abraham, who is another place with Lazarus (who is also dead). The rich man wants Abraham to send Lazarus -- with a wet fingertip -- over to Hades to comfort him. Abraham refused. The conversation continues in this email. Continue reading at -

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Another Jewish Afterlife Parable by Jesus


“Contextual definitions” cut through the theological maze. In my previous email I discussed the requirement for nations entering into eternal life. That’s a very important thing to know. This time we are going to explore another parable about the afterlife, but this one is about individuals. Compare them to your beliefs and consider how afterlife beliefs affect the ways people live their everyday lives. Continue reading at -

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Exploring the Link of Righteous to Eternal Life


“Righteousness” is one of the most important words in Christianity and “TZEDAQAH” is one of the most important words in Rabbinic Judaism. The teachings of Yeshua aka the Jesus of History linked them together, while teaching important wisdom principles and values. The words were also the foundation of a values-based relationship of a preacher and a rabbi – Rabbi Jeffrey Leynor and me! Continue reading at -

Friday, December 22, 2023

Exploring Jesus: Salvation and The Great Day of Judgment Parable


The Great Day of Judgment and the Kingdom of God are linked together by Jesus in this famous parable (Matthew 25:31-46). At that time no form of modern Christianity existed – Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Protestant, or “cut-and-paste Jesus / Christ / Holy Spirit” religions, etc. His sacred writings were separate Hebrew scrolls, not writings in one book. He spoke Hebrew, not English. His lived in Galilee, not the United States. He never taught any Christian salvation doctrine. Should Christians ignore what Yeshua the Real Jesus taught? Could an atheist benefit from what he taught? Continue reading at -

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Exploring Jesus: Making the Invisible Drivers of Human Behaviors Visible


Soon after sending my previous email, I became aware of new information regarding the October 7th attack on Israel by Hamas. I could not believe that I haven’t heard anything about it on CNN, Fox, MSNBC, or PBS. If I hadn’t been involved in celebrating Hanukkah, writing these Exploring Jesus emails, and exploring biblical heritages since 1999 -- I might have missed it too! Hanukkah is the beginning of a demonstration on the part of the Jewish people that they would not go down without a fight. It is the first recorded instance in the history of a war conducted purely and solely in defense of religious freedom. On October 7, 2023 Israel was challenged once again by multiple groups at the same time. Continue reading at -

Friday, December 15, 2023

Exploring Jesus: The Gospel of Matthew


Around 90 CE, the Gospel of Matthew was written. Once again, the name of the author doesn’t appear in the Gospel. The birth of Jesis is recorded in Matthew 2 and his movement begins in chapter 4. Wise men from the East came to Jerusalem. Be sure to note that Bible does not say “three wise men.” There could have been two or twenty or three. There are no shepherds or multitude of angels. And in this story Jesus lives in Bethlehem not Nazareth. Continue reading at -

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Exploring Jesus: The Relationships of the Gospels of Mark and Luke


When I lead tours to explore Jesus, there is always a big “elephant in the room” that most people can’t see – and the few that see it will not talk about it. However, we must talk about it so everyone can see it. What do you see when you hear “the Gospels or Mark and Luke”? Almost everyone sees “two books that are in the Bible.” No Bible existed when the Gospels of Mark and Luke were written. Continue reading at -

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Exploring Jesus: The Gospel of Luke


Mark began with a grown man, Luke begins the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. Shepherds were in a field guarding their flocks when an angel appeared. The angel said, Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Anointed One of Yahweh.” And then a multitude of the heavenly host joined the angel, praising God and saying: “Glory to God in the highest, on the earth SHALOM, in men acceptance.” Your English translations do not say that – and it is one of the most important clues about the Jesus movement in the  Bible! Continue reading at -

Monday, December 11, 2023

Exploring Jesus: The Gospel of Mark


The idea of Exploring the Bible and Biblical Heritages came from one of the first live streamed broadcast on Facebook – Safari Live. A tour guide was sitting in the driver’s seat of a jeep and a camera person was sitting on a raised platform in the backseat. This tour is for anyone that has Belief Models linked to Jesus – Christian, Jew, atheist, etc. You need to know what your own beliefs are, be “brain hackers” and “propaganda makers” that bought your profile from social media sellers know more about your Belief Models than you do. This series of emails will give you quick tours of Jesus in the four Gospels in the New Testament. Continue reading at –

Friday, December 8, 2023

Empowered to Change Our Crazy and Conflicting World


In my previous email I asked you to consider the differences between cave dwellers and smartphone users separated by 191,700 years. I pointed out that their DNA would be the same and it would produce identical bodies and organs, including brains. Anything that you can name has a corresponding belief model in your brain. A belief model is like an app on a smartphone. When something that a person can name catches their brain’s attention, the belief model is activated. Their actions were driven by instincts. We are immersed in an invisible Infosphere full of misinformation, propaganda, and weaponized information produced by nations, religions, corporations, criminals, and other individual users. Continue reading at -

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

From the First Farmers to Muslims

In 10,000 BCE (25,000 years after the first cave paintings), the Ice Age had ended, and the world became warmer and wetter, and the climate became more stable. By 9500 BCE there are the first signs of domesticated plants and the first farmers. After 8000 BCE there are the first signs of domesticated animals and shepherds. And then about 7,500 years later, a scroll of the Torah (first five books of the Bible) was carried from Persia to Jerusalem. 1,000 years after that, the first Muslims appear. In this article you will discover how those dates are connected. Continue reading at -