Thursday, January 28, 2016

Traffic Signs in the Biblical Text

Working with ancient Hebrew and Greek manuscripts is a very different experience from reading an English translation of the Bible, not only because of the languages involved, but because of the punctuation marks and chapter breaks. Our minds view punctuation marks and chapter breaks in the same ways it views traffic signs. This affects how translators view and understand the words of they write in their translations of the Bibles billions of people depend on. Read the complete blog at --

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

What did SHALOM mean to the Real Yeshua

We have added a new section to the Biblical Heritage Center website – Yeshua’s Vocabulary. The first entry in this section is “SHALOM.” Find out what it meant to the Real Yeshua at --

If you like “Yeshua’s Vocabulary” and look forward to new words being added, “Like” our Real Yeshua Facebook Page at -- – and share this information with others.


Jim Myers

Monday, January 4, 2016

Deadly Religious Beliefs & Those Little Shoes

Rebuilding the Biblical Heritage Center website is bringing back a lot of old memories, especially those about events that changed the course of my life. I (Jim Myers) just added the story of “The Little Shoes,” a story that some of you have heard many times. But if you haven’t heard it or it has been a while, take a moment to read it. It is very important for me to make sure people never forget those little shoes. The event took place in 1990, a few months after I became a grandfather for the first time. I was sitting in my study flipping through a magazine when I first saw the picture that changed my life. Be sure and share it with others too. See the little shoes and read my story at –

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Bible Study Tools Section Added to Website

We just uploaded our Basic Bible Study Tools to the BHC website. You will find what you need to study the Bible in English, Hebrew, Greek or Latin – Hebrew & Greek texts, interlinear texts, dictionaries, encyclopedias and different English translations.  Always remember that these tools are at your fingertips on your computer or smartphone in the “Bibles” section of our website --