Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Understanding God’s Trust in Us!


Israel’s wisdom was part of an international movement that also found literary expressions in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Such wisdom was mainly concerned with human relations and humankind’s place within creation. Jews today have a clear idea about their covenant with Abraham and Christians have a clear idea about their link to Jesus. But the Alliance in Genesis 1was made long before Abraham and Jesus were born. Continue reading at - https://mailchi.mp/34257eb74220/understanding-gods-trust-in-us

Friday, January 17, 2025

Let Me Tell You a Story About Wisdom!


Today neuroscientists know how important stories are to humans. Story is the human brain’s default mode. We are genetically hardwired be listeners and tellers of stories. Our meanings and realities of the world emerge from the stories we have about the world. How do you feel when you read these words: ““We are created in the image of Elohim the Deity of this Temple and King of this Kingdom.” Continue reading at - https://mailchi.mp/b1aa8571c013/let-me-tell-you-a-story-about-wisdom

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

The Eternal Temple and Kingdom of Elohim


The significance of the two appearances of the Hebrew word translated “rested” has not been understood for over 2,000 years. It wasn’t known until scholars discovered how to translate ancient cuneiform tablets from Mesopotamia, specifically tablets from Babylon. The Ezra and the other Jewish scribes knew many of the stories on those cuneiform tablets. In Genesis we find a number of verses that are linked to those ancient clay tablets. Continue reading at - https://mailchi.mp/5ceaeac488c5/the-eternal-temple-and-kingdom-of-elohim

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Who Can Bring Peace into the World?


This year’s holiday season reminded me of a story in Bruce Feiler’s book, Abraham: A Journey to the Heart of Three Faiths (p. 13). It reveals an wisdom ancient truth found in the Genesis and the teachings of the Jewish Jesus. It is a truth that has been given to all people, not just Jews. Continue reading at - https://mailchi.mp/de20fc535b00/who-can-bring-peace-into-the-world

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Rethinking and Unlearning Harmful Belief Models


Back in the old days, when people reflected on what it takes to be mentally fit, the first idea that came to mind was usually intelligence. The smarter you are, the more complex the problems you can solve — and the faster you can solve them. Intelligence was traditionally viewed as the ability to think and learn. Yet in today’s turbulent world, there’s another set of cognitive skills that might matter more: the ability to rethink and unlearn. Continue reading at - https://mailchi.mp/152ef9a4c43d/rethinking-and-unlearning-harmful-belief-models

Friday, December 6, 2024

The Power of Wealthy Shalom Makers!


The reporter caught the Congressman off-guard when she asked, “What would you do about that situation?” The question clearly surprised him. He fumbled with his words for a few seconds and then said, “I would kick out all of the CEOs on the top floor and replace them with janitors working in the basement, Janitors, janitors, janitors - running all of the companies!” My first thought was grabbing the TV monitor, shaking it, and yelling, “Are you completely crazy! Continue reading at - https://mailchi.mp/2901e25551e9/the-power-of-wealthy-shalom-makers

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Why Acts of Tzedaqah are Very Important for the Rich and Wealthy!


This is one of the most powerful and important teachings of the Jewish Jesus. Very few Christians understand what it means. It is found in Luke 16:19-31. I am going to present this in a parallel // format to make it easier to understand. 1. And some person was wealthy // And some poor person, named Lazarus. Usually, the rich people are named and remembered. Here the poor person is named, and many people have remembered the name “Lazarus” over the past 2,000 years. Continue reading at - https://mailchi.mp/c8813c04a33a/why-acts-of-tzedaqah-are-very-important-for-the-rich-and-wealthy