Thursday, November 21, 2024

Love of Mankind is Intimately Bound Up with the Love of God


HillelJesus, and Akiba taught that love of man is a central pillar of the Torah’s teaching. However, Hillel added that behind it is something even more basic that is derived from an even greater principle: “Man is made in the image of God.” Love of man flows from the more fundamental love of God. Continue reading at -

Monday, November 18, 2024

Always Choose Life!


The “BHC Laws of Language” revealed ancient scribal skills. Combining them produced the process that Dr. Ike Tennison, Rabbi Jeffrey Leynor, and I called, “Letting the biblical text tell its own stories. Discover how the second story in Genesis reveals the meaning of “Light” in the first story. It teaches the most important wisdom in the Bible. Click here to continue reading -

Sunday, November 17, 2024

How to Avoid False Expectations!


After Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, Yahweh Elohim created justice. He had given them a commandment. They violated it. Yahweh Elohim was the judge. Adam, Eve, and the serpent were examined. When Eve was asked why she ate the forbidden fruit she said, “The serpent gave me false expectations.” Continue reading at -

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Creating Loving Kindness, Loyalty, and Mercy on Earth!


I promised to give you a powerful example of the Hebrew teachings of Jesus and the Hebrew texts he interpreted. Keep in mind that this is a wisdom text, not a religious text. It is not about the afterlife. It contains instructions for living the best lives possible on earth. Continue reading at -

Friday, November 8, 2024

Ancient Wisdom Values for Living Today


What is the relation of the individual to society? A denomination is a religious society. It has a Statement of Faith or Creed, which reflects the identifying beliefs of the members. Those beliefs are backed by institutional authority which elevates many of them to the status of institutional truths -- many of which are set in stone and unchangeable. What happens when a member challenges an institutional truth? Continue reading at –

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Discovering and Presenting the Best Available Evidence


200 Christian denomination institutions in America and 45,000 Christian institutions globally exists today. It is very clear that Christianity is not one giant religion. It is an umbrella term that identifies independent religions which have a variety of “institutional truths.” But Luther was not the primary driver of what ultimately happened. 460 miles from Luther, Nicolaus Copernicus was living in Frombork, Poland. He was making astronomical observations. Continue reading at -