Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Algorithms are Rewriting Our Cultures


The earlier internet was a human-driven relevance engine, shaped by live interactions between people. But as social media evolved, algorithms began to drive the engine. Today they gather identity signals of others and deliver them precisely to those whom they can alarm and agitate the most. Algorithms are rewriting the cultures in which we live. Culture guides what is right and wrong and what our customs, traditions, laws, and values should be. Continue reading at -

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Imagine a Consensual Hallucination Experienced Daily by Billions


Before: In 1983, 90 percent of what Americans called the news, plus other things they saw, watched, and heard were controlled by 50 corporations. After: By 2012, 6 corporations controlled 90% of what Americans called the news, plus other things they saw, watched, and heard on traditional media – plus social media with data abstracted from the banks of every computer in the human system. Continue reading at -

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

From Social Relationships to Nations


In order to provide readers with the resources needed to understand and discuss subjects in these emails at a much deeper level, I will be uploading a series of modules. Today I uploaded Module #1 with these Key terms: social creatures, social organizations, social interaction, identities, nations, complex belief structures, religions, and science. This is foundational information required for any political, social, economic, scientific, or religious discussions. Continue reading at -


Friday, March 14, 2025

What Would Life on Earth Be Like?


At our meeting last night, I used a new example to explain the meaning of the words of very well-known prayer. They liked it so I thought I would share it with you today. It was a Jewish prayer in the first century, and became a Christian prayer later. It was a prayer that Rabbi Jeffrey Leynor and I talked about many times. Continue reading at -

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Formal Burial Customs Appear in Israel 110,000 Years Ago


The Hebrew University in Jerusalem posted this article today: “First burials: Compelling evidence that Neanderthal and Homo sapiens engaged in cultural exchange.” The first-ever published research on Tinshemet Cave reveals that Neanderthals and Homo sapiens in the mid-Middle Paleolithic Levant not only coexisted but actively interacted, sharing technology, lifestyles, and burial customs. For more information -

Monday, March 10, 2025

Do You Know What Christ and Son of God Mean?


The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. The verse above is Mark 1:1 from the New King James Version. It contains two titles of Jesus that are found throughout the New Testament. Readers of most English translations cannot see the meanings of two key words because the translators transliterated the Greek words instead of translating them. Continue reading at -

Sunday, March 9, 2025

What Difference Does the Story You Tell Make?


The laws of nature govern many of the physical changes of your body, but the primary factors in determining your identities at different ages are stories that you hear, believe, and retell. Human institutions are also formed from stories, and over time, their stories usually change, too. These changes are usually linked to specific events, for example when Jesus became the Son of God. Continue reading at -

Thursday, March 6, 2025

The Universal Genesis Alliance


Aspects lists are found in multiple ancient cultures of the Middle East. This accumulation of aspects serves to produce a sense of understanding of the field as a whole and provide wisdom for making decisions and judgments. These lists are part of legal documents called Alliances and Covenants. Continue reading at -

Establishing Justice and Maintaining Order Together!


The last positively identified Akkadian text comes from the 1st century CE. The ability to read the Akkadian language faded into the distant past until 1767 CE, 9 years before the Declaration of Independence. The Stele of Hammurabi was discovered in 1901. It would be another century before it before its relationship with the Bible would be heard by people outside the circles of scholars. Today it is helping us better understand the Bible. Continue reading at -

Monday, March 3, 2025

How Did We Get Here?


One can point to multiple trends that knocked down our wiser selves. Traditional institutions that have drawn us together around more noble purposes have been overtaken by political messages. The “Greatest Generation,” which filled our country with a sense of moral purpose after World War II, is gone. Civility has largely broken down. Differences of opinion have now become occasions for unleashing vitriol, identifying those holding alternative views as not just misguided but evil and dangerous. Continue reading at -

Friday, February 28, 2025

Know the Difference Between Institutional and Individual Truths


The first major conflict in the Jesus Movement was resolved by  the Jerusalem Council (50 CE). Even though all but one apostle had been personally taught by Jesus, the council led by Jacob (James), the brother of Jesus, and included “elders.” Their ruling became an “institutional truth” of the Jesus Movement. The councils of the Roman Catholic Church also created “institutional truths.” A major change occurred in the 16th century. Continue reading at -

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

The Age of Transparency has Arrived in America!


I was working on an email about Martin Luther’s movement beginning on university campuses in 1517 CE. I took a break to write recommendations on two books -- Your Professors Are Lying to You About Israel and The Road to Wisdom: On Truth, Science, Faith, and Trust. The first book deals specifically with five false accusations. The second book deals with Postmodernist claims that “An author didn’t actually know what was meant in a text that he or she had written, so readers were therefore free to create their own meaning for a work, unrelated to all previous interpretations.” Continue reading at -

Monday, February 24, 2025

Your Loved One Is Dead


Rabbi Jeffrey Leynor and I talked about death a lot. When we first met, besides being a pastor, I was the chaplain at the Sheriff’s Department. Later he became a chaplain at a local police department. So delivering the message, “your loved one is dead,” was one of the things we both understood. So, as an Informed Bible Reader, I learned to insert myself into Bible stories, understand what they meant to the original audiences, and then apply I discovered to my life today. I was reading the story of Cain and Able. The first thing that popped into my mind was – Who delivered the “your loved one is dead” to Adam and Eve? Continue reading at -

Saturday, February 22, 2025

When Did Adam and Eve Die?


Being an Informed Bible Reader makes it possible to discover things many Bible readers miss. I was updating our notes on Genesis 5 and wanted to share this one with you. The words in italics are the Bible verses. In the day that Elohim created ADAM, He made him in the likeness of Elohim. He created them male and female, and blessed them and called their name “ADAM” in the day they were created. (Be sure to note that “ADAM is the name of two people” – usually called “Adam and “Eve.”) Continue reading at -

Friday, February 21, 2025

Right Beliefs or Life?


Jesus did not teach people to have the right beliefs. Jesus taught that those who feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, gave shelter to the homeless, gave clothes to naked, visited the sick, and went to those in prison will enter into eternal life. Jesus taught people to use the Tov Standard the Creator used when He created the Skies and the Earth. He did not give people “Right Beliefs” Standard. Continue reading at -

Thursday, February 20, 2025

The Pope or The Bible?


We explore the Bible and biblical heritages. Explore means we examine and investigate information related to the histories of writings in the Bible, as well as the histories of institutions linked to the Bible. Bible study is an important part of Exploring the Bible and biblical heritages, however, we place the appearance of Bibles, institutions, beliefs, doctrines, creeds, and statements of faith in chronological order on a timeline. This often reveals some very interesting historical and theological nuggets. Continue reading at –

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Why Understanding History and Biblical Heritages are Important!


After the Civil War, “the rise of liberal Protestantism in the North” created a backlash in the ranks of most evangelical denominations against the Enlightenment, Deism, and Unitarianism. Southern evangelicals agreed with the Northern Liberal Christians that America should be a Christian nation, but the Southerners disagreed about exactly what that meant and how it could best be achieved. The Southerners viewed their Northern Liberal Christian brothers and sisters as a major barrier to reaching God’s goal. Continue reading at -

Monday, February 17, 2025

How Science and Faith Could Reinforce Each Other


Prominent leaders, teachers, and blue-collar workers collectively let their hair down to talk earnestly about their faith, and to ask penetrating questions about how science and faith can contradict or reinforce each other. For a good hour of discourse, goodwill filled the room. And then one church member asked the senior pastor whether he believed that the first chapter of Genesis was a literal, step-by-step, day-by-day description of the origins of the earth and of humankind. In an instant, brows furrowed and jaws tightened. Continue reading at -

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Elohim, Pagan Gods, Humans, and Morals


For the ancient writer and readers of the Hebrew account of creation, Elohim’s existence is as self-evident as life itself. There is no notion of the birth of Elohim and no biography of Elohim. It does not even begin with a statement about the existence of Elohim. Such speculation would have been unthinkable at that time. The Hebrew concept of Elohim is implicit in the narrative, not formulated abstractly and explicitly. Continue reading at -

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Get into the Ancient Mindset Before You Read the Bible


Ethnocentrism” comes from two Greek words: "ethnos" (“nation”) and "kentron" (“center”). It means “people believe their culture is central to the universe.” It is a tendency to use our culture -- values, ideas, and rules — as a starting point for thinking about and judging other people. “It is a tendency to believe that our ways are right and those without our ways are less right.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Elohim the Creator & The Mysteries of the Beginnings


The Hebrew word BARA is translated “created” in Genesis 1:1. The options in the graphic involve changing a heart, changing a body, changing the landscape, and changing the ground. Therefore, the first question we ask is, “What is available to change?” The choices are in the next verse. Continue reading at -

Friday, January 31, 2025

Understanding the Meaning of Prayer


I know that modern Christianity is very different from the original Kingdom of Elohim Movement led by Jesus. But since Christians normally “pray in the name of Jesus,” I think it is important for Christians to understand what prayer meant to Jesus, the people that followed him, and the Jewish people, too. Continue reading at -

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

The Kingdom of the Creator on Earth


The first story in Genesis is about the creation of the Temple and Kingdom of the Creator. The Creator is the God of the Temple, and the Creator is the King of the Kingdom. Other cultures have their stories about the relationships between gods and humans – and temples and palaces. One is the Divine Right of Kings to rule. Continue reading at -

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Understanding God’s Trust in Us!


Israel’s wisdom was part of an international movement that also found literary expressions in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Such wisdom was mainly concerned with human relations and humankind’s place within creation. Jews today have a clear idea about their covenant with Abraham and Christians have a clear idea about their link to Jesus. But the Alliance in Genesis 1was made long before Abraham and Jesus were born. Continue reading at -

Friday, January 17, 2025

Let Me Tell You a Story About Wisdom!


Today neuroscientists know how important stories are to humans. Story is the human brain’s default mode. We are genetically hardwired be listeners and tellers of stories. Our meanings and realities of the world emerge from the stories we have about the world. How do you feel when you read these words: ““We are created in the image of Elohim the Deity of this Temple and King of this Kingdom.” Continue reading at -

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

The Eternal Temple and Kingdom of Elohim


The significance of the two appearances of the Hebrew word translated “rested” has not been understood for over 2,000 years. It wasn’t known until scholars discovered how to translate ancient cuneiform tablets from Mesopotamia, specifically tablets from Babylon. The Ezra and the other Jewish scribes knew many of the stories on those cuneiform tablets. In Genesis we find a number of verses that are linked to those ancient clay tablets. Continue reading at -